Delivering culturally-informed solutions
We LEAD cultural navigation I We PROMOTE culturally safe practice I We TRAIN cultural intelligence
At Goorroomba, we deliver a range of services from professional consultation to community embedded programs.
We provide tailored solutions to improve working relationships and engagement with Aboriginal Peoples and Communities using a strengths-based approach.
Cultural Advisory Services
Program and Project Management
Aboriginal Workforce Development Support
Community Engagement, Consultation and Advice
Building Capacity & Capability​
Facilitate the development of skills, knowledge, and resources within organisations that engage with Aboriginal communities.
Community Development​
Support Aboriginal communities in addressing social, economic, and environmental challenges through customised programs and initiatives.
Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Training
Conduct workshops and training sessions to enhance cultural competency, and build capacity and capability to improve engagement and service delivery with Aboriginal communities.
Cultural Navigation & Advocacy
Provide guidance and expertise in cultural navigation, culturally sensitive advocacy, and case management methods.